California Unable to Figure Out why Homeless Population Rising: King Gavin to form committee?

Worried about the homeless population seemingly increasing at an alarming pace? Worry no more because they are. Recent reports have in fact confirmed the population is rising quickly. Politicians, like King Gavin Newsom, are going to try and find out why.  

The plan was good. They were evicting homeless people from land at record pace in LA, with promises to replace the camps with units that would house 50-60 people. The camps usually had hundreds to even thousands in them. If I remember correctly, the cost to the taxpayer on one project was somewhere around the $600,000.00 PER UNIT

Considering the projects currently under way, it’s a real head scratcher attempting to figure out why the population rose when the plan has been for the last decade to shrink it. Fret not. Your Guy has the answer that could prevent King Gavin from having to form the commission to figure out what happened with the homeless population. I know you are anxiously awaiting on the edge of your seats to see the findings of the Commission to Figure out What Happened to the Gas Prices.  

Meet homeless face tattoo guy. He migrated to the bay area from Texas because he somehow heard about the sweet sweet bennies. He’s got a smart phone, a six hundred dollar a month check (not enough to live off the street, but enough to live like a homeless junkie king), an Amazon Prime account and a Netflix account. He describes at length how great the drugs are and how nice the cops are while he shits all over the sidewalk and uses drugs in the open. 

So what is causing rise in homelessness? It’s definitely not all the bleeding hearts that the liberal tech workers in San Francisco pretend to have, nor is it for the absolute swine government that they have voted for. I’m no homeless migration expert, but I know a thing or two and I’m going to go ahead and go out on a limb here. I believe the issue is that our face tattoo friend here has figured out how to use twitter and passed the good word along to all his face tattoo groups on Facebook. Let’s just call it an educated guess. Also, I tell every junkie I encounter to head west, young junkie, head west. Anything I can do to assist them in heading west, I do within reason. 

King Gavin: if you happen to read this, save your peasants some time and money by skipping the commission. I know you have an even newer and better plan to reduce the population by 25% over the next two years. Keep up the good work and stay strong. Just keep telling them to trust the science and working towards your dream of legistating a way that makes it impossible for them to leave. We need them to stay there. 


Just beautiful.
The people that live in and run these cities are telling you how to fix the climate.
Of course he was arrested and charged the other day. He should have trusted the science like King Gavin told him to.